Panache Upholstery

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Professional Bespoke Furniture
Upholsterers & Restorers

Panache Upholstery

Panache Upholstery can enable you to restore a piece of furniture that has served you well or create a unique piece to your own design.

You will be startled by the results that our cost effective recovery service can achieve, to make your furniture beautiful again. Panache Upholstery will take your furniture right back to the frame, and virtually begin again.

No need to purchase new pieces as Panache Upholstery offers many options that will have you falling in love with your furniture all over again. Let Panache Upholstery create the perfect seating space for you. We support you throughout the entire process, from fabric selection to upholstery design options.

We offer a complete custom re-upholstery service for both residential and commercial customers.

Don’t leave it to chance; get it right the first time with flare and elegance and let your creative side shine through.

Our Most Recent Works

Please see below our most recent completed re-upholstery works.  To view more, please visit the Panache Gallery.

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